Tuesday, February 24, 2009

AMAZING & BEAUTIFUL way to organize girls' hairbows

OK my friend from college posted this on her facebook page and I have absolutely fallen in love with them.

If you have little girls, you KNOW how much of a muddle those hairbows in baskets, drawers, boxes, etc can be.  I'm only just getting started in this category with my daughter Lexi (Alexia), but since I have 3 sisters, we went thru it ourselves.
Even if you do not have a little girl, I'm sure you know of one - niece, grand-daughter, friends' daughters - excellent for birthdays or baby showers, etc... I can hardly wait to get mine in the mail!  NO I'm not being paid to do all this :) - just from one WAHM (work at home mom) to another who loves to also support creativity and frugality!

Here is her blog - RainBOW Girls  - she has some pics on there and I'll post a few here that she had on facebook.

Monday, February 23, 2009

FREE ENTRE at TGIFridays Restaurant!

coupon for BOGO an entre - good til 3/1/09

Red Plum Coupons

They will not be included in some papers, so you can sign up at:
www.advo.com/consumersupport.html , and it goes to the page to fill out for delivery to your home. It has a form to fill out your phone # and mailing address. It will take 5-6 weeks for delivery.

2 $5 coupons from kmart (combine this with double coupons this week)

sign up to get 2 $5/$50 coupons at www.kmart.com
use these BEFORE your other coupons - always worked fine for me!


Sign up to receive a coupon for a FREE Kashi frozen entree! http://www.kashi.com/picturehunt

It comes in the mail (not printed one)


woohoo - free sub!
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Delight of Deals Photo Gallery!