Go to this blog - Keeping the Kingdom First Mom - and see how you can make $5 at CVS go along way each week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Free bottle of Suave Coupon
FREE BOTTLE OF SUAVE - today only - click here - coupon comes in the mail
SUPER DEALS AT JEWEL - what I was able to do!
Here's what I got:
4 Fiber 1 boxes of bars
16 Progresso soup
5 bottles of Fuze drink
2 Mr Clean refills cleaner
4 Minute Maid OJ
5 pks of Yo+ Yogurt
8 Large bottles of Tide
12 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios
4 boxes of Trix
4 boxes of Coco Puffs
6 boxes of Fiber One
3 Mega packages of Charmin
1 8pk of Bounty Paper Towels
8 bottles of Pantene shampoo and conditioner which earned me 4 free style products too
total - $523.25 retail and tax
Out of Pocket (OOP) - $44.58 plus I had $15 more to still spend on my other regular groceries!
so really - only $29.58 including tax
Monday, January 12, 2009
Jewel grocery stores (Albertsons chain)
Different scenarios for the buy $30 and get $15 catalinas back. None of these have been personally tried by me but have been posted by what others have done. Keep checking back - will post more as I find them or do them myself:
7 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios (NPC $4.55 - this is apprx - depending on your store's reg. price - might have to buy 8)...pay $14 + tax (no coupons used) and get back $15 in Cats. Use coupons and save even more! PROFIT!
The Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters is $4.95 NPC soo . . . buy 6 boxes of the Fiber ONE Honey Nut Clusters, and one 6/10 or 8/10 item and total will come to $13.xx plus tax and still get the $15 in cats!!
If your family likes Rice-a-Roni this is a great deal! They are 8/$10, I used two $1/4 from last Sundays paper, and an Albertson's double coupon. Then when you buy eight you automatically get $5 off, it is advertised as $5 off meat but the discount came off without a meat purchase. So basically you only spend $1.
If you purchase the Tide Total Care - there is a guarantee - Total Care Money Back Guarantee (1-866-772-1037) * Tide Total Care is guaranteed to keep your clothing looking beautiful, even after 30 washes. * If consumers are not satisfied with Tide Total Care, Tide will refund their purchase of Tide. * To obtain their money back refund consumer needs to include on a 3x5 piece of paper her name, address, city , state and zip code along with the original cash register receipt dated between September 1st 2008 and June 30th 2009. * Submissions should be mailed to: Tide Total Care Money Back Guarantee Post Office Box 1702 Watertown, MA 02477-1702 * Limit one refund per name, household, or address. Valid through 6/30/09. - some did not send cap and still received refund.
Oh and don't be afraid to look around the garbage cans or in the parking lot - people throw away the catalinas without even looking at them and they could be CASH on your next order slips!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My trips to Walgreens last night!
I hit 3 Wags last night
15 fructis on sale from $2.19- $2.99 - minus $2 ESC and $1 manu coupon - FREE and many were on the clearance so PROFIT!!!
12 boxes of cereal (5 frosted miniwheats, 6 frosted flakes, 1 special k) - on sale 4/$10 - used $1 coupons on each one and got $3 RR back on each group of 4 ($12) = .75 ea
25 Sunsilk products - all on clearance for $2.29 - used 2/$2 coupons and received $6 RR back with every 8 I bought - one was just a filler item - 54 cents each
8 almay lipstick - on sale for B1G1 free - on clearance for $1.89 ea - used $1 off coupon on each one including the free ones - 44 cents profit
1 Revlon new eye matt color - $9.99 minus $2 coupon - receive $9.99 after rebate = $2 profit
9 extra gum - .33 cents each - filler items
3 orbit gums - $1 ea - filler items
Gotta go clean out Jewel this week - amazing deals to come!
Johnson's & Johnson's Baby products - $1 off (sometimes these will work on other J&J products too)
WAGS this week:
Colgate Total toothpaste 2/$2.79 if you use two $1.00 c/o's that will make them very cheap!
I'm getting my list together for Walgreens this week. I note it appears like you might be able to get 2 free windex if the canister or antibacterial trigger are included in the B1G1 sale. Buy 2 at B1G1 and then send in the rebate form in today's paper and get the money back for the one you paid for them. Don't forget to use the $.40 coupons too!
At Walgreens Aquafresh is 2.99, 75 cent coupon, $2.00 coupon in super saver book, price 24 cents.
Don't forget to see if there is a small clearance section or clearance tags on various "holiday" food style items - CHEAP FOOD - canned sweet potatoes, pie crusts, baking chocolate, etc...
The Fructis products continue all month - $2.99 minus the $2 ESC and the $1 Man coupon = free or profit if you find any on clearance for $2.19 - make sure you add one filler item so both coupons go thru without a beep since you are actually get 1 penny profit (computers dont like it).
Oust Air Sanitizer B1G1F 2/$3.79 - so basically with the coupon - you get BOTH free (YMMV depending on cashier - go to another store if they won't let you!)
- B1G1F c/o (S 11/23)
- B1G1F c/o (S 1/4)
Final price 2 for FREE?
Equal 2/$5 with in-ad cpn pg 2
- $2.50 (S 1/4)
Final price ala FREE
Bayer Breeze 2 or Contour Glucose Meter $14.99
- $14.99 rebate in box
Final price FREE
CVS - extra care bucks - freebies
$6 ECB wyb SoyJoy 6pk ($6) monthly limit 10 FREE AFTER ECB! - buy 1 6pk and then use the ECB to bucks to buy the next ones - that way you're only out the $6 at first and will have one $6 ECB when you are done OR if you have the coupons from 1/4 - you can turn around and use your ECB from the Soyjoy to pay for the next SoyJoy, etc. But then you can't use the coupons in the newspaper for $3 off $10. It is a good idea to pay in separate orders, otherwise you end up with an ECB for $30 which is not so easy to spend. One strategy would be to buy 2 boxes, use the grocery coupons. Then buy 3 boxes, use the $12 ECB and any manufacturer's coupons. You'll probably get the soyjoys for free and will have $18 in ECB for your next visit
$5 ECB wyb Accu-Check Compact Plus Diabetes Kit (14.99) limit 1
+ $9.99 MIR (mail in rebate)
Also if you LOVE candles like I do - check the Air freshener section - and look for Febreeze candles - the Vanilla and Apple Spice ones are ringing up at $1.99 as part of the 75% off Christmas items (could be even lower too!) instead of the reg. $7.99 - use coupon if you have it still for $2 off from the P&J coupon insert.
This coming weekend it will be FREE OPEN ACCESS on FRI - SUN to my favorite Money saving forum - refundcents.com - I will post the password as soon as it is available on Wed. One of our members from the forum will be on the tv show Wife Swap. (here's the show's preview) - I will also post a link for you to use - and if you sign up, I can earn referral money for my blog.
Came across this offer in an email from Scott - http://www.scottcommonsense.com/coupon/default.aspx?WT.mc_id=scsc_csc_email Buy 2 different Scott product categories get $2 coupon rewards (electronic); buy $3, get $3; buy $4, get $4. Need UPC's, CRT, on-line form. Expires 1/26/09
free 2 oz lotion with purchase - click here - may take a moment to load - be patient!
http://www.bicworld.com/inter_us/stationery/index.asp -$.50 off Wh
ite out
$.50 off mechanical pencils, 3.00 off mark it 24 ct markers
Jiffy Lube coupon - receive email with $5 coupon - click here
$2 off KASHI new TLC soft baked bars - click here - then click at bottom where it says get coupons
Dreamfields Pasta - $1.00 off - I've seen it on sale for $1 or a bit more - I was able to print 3 coupons