Sunday, January 11, 2009

My trips to Walgreens last night!

I hit 3 Wags last night

15 fructis on sale from $2.19- $2.99 - minus $2 ESC and $1 manu coupon - FREE and many were on the clearance so PROFIT!!!

12 boxes of cereal (5 frosted miniwheats, 6 frosted flakes, 1 special k) - on sale 4/$10 - used $1 coupons on each one and got $3 RR back on each group of 4 ($12) = .75 ea

25 Sunsilk products - all on clearance for $2.29 - used 2/$2 coupons and received $6 RR back with every 8 I bought - one was just a filler item - 54 cents each

8 almay lipstick - on sale for B1G1 free - on clearance for $1.89 ea - used $1 off coupon on each one including the free ones - 44 cents profit

1 Revlon new eye matt color - $9.99 minus $2 coupon - receive $9.99 after rebate = $2 profit

9 extra gum - .33 cents each - filler items
3 orbit gums - $1 ea - filler items

Gotta go clean out Jewel this week - amazing deals to come!


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