Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thank you Jesus!
More great coupons to print!
After you print it once - don't forget to click your back button 3 times to print it again!
Toaster Strudels - get $1 off any ONE!
FREE FOOD if you have a MEIJER (WORTH THE DRIVE!) and other HOT DEALS!
Ok are you folks ready? On Meijer's site they have a thing called the MEALBOX - and on mealbox there are several coupon offers for Meijer coupons - you choose the ones you want and then add them to your shopping list and then print the list - and the BEST way is to SEND the list to your email first that way you have them all and can copy and past them on a document with 8 of the same on a page.
Here's the scoop for this week at least the sale prices (the coupons are good til NOV 5th)
Jello is on sale for 3 for $$1.50 - give the $1.50 mealbox jello coupon = FREE PLUS you also will receive a $2 ONYO catalina slip!
also - buy 4 boxes of Velveeta shells and cheese - give two of the $2 off any 2 Velveeta mealbox coupons = cheap plus then give the $2 that you earned from the last order!
This coupon is NOT on the site - but if you want it - just email me - Taco Bell Salsa is on sale for $$1.48 - buy 3 and give three of the $1.50 mealbox taco bell salsa coupons = FREE
Here's what I did - OH and I did it at the self checkout with no probs -the ladies there helped me enter the $2 ONYO catalina coupons but other then that NO PROBLEMS!
10 transactions:
3 jello x $0.50 each= $1.50- $1.50 Mealbox coupon= $0.00 OOP and each time got a $2.00 catalina - so FREE PLUS PROFIT!
2 transactions:
4 Velveeta shells and Cheese = $6.67- (2) $2.00 off Mealbox coupons= $2.67- $2.00catalina= $0.67 OOP (out of pocket) + $2.00 catalina
1 transaction:
7 Taco Bell Salsa @ $1.48 each - (7) $1.50 Mealbox coupons= $0.14 overage
4 Velveeta Shells and Cheese= 6.67- (2) $2.00 Mealbox coupons
Total $2.53- $2.00 catalina= $0.53 OOP plus you get a $2.00 catalina
1 transaction:
1 Taco Bell Salsa = $1.48- $1.50 Mealbox coupon= $0.02 overage
3 Jello = $1.50-$1.50 mealbox coupon= $0.02 overage plus $2.00 catalina
My Total OOP was $1.85 Plus I got all the Cats!!!!
FYI the BISTRO flavored mac and cheese does not work for the cat.
I am definitely going back for more each day this week! What an awesome deal!
Here's a Money maker:
Glade Scented Oils (not the gels or candles - get the plug in oils) are around $4.50 and sometimes under (this also worked at Jewel and Kmart) - use a $2 blinkie coupon (the coupon showed the glade candles, but worked fine for me) and get them cheaper and then they also spit out a $4 ONYO catalina - ONLY the scented oils and the ESSENTIAL OILS DO NOT WORK nor do the refills - the Hawaiian Breeze is the one that I bought and worked fine!
I made at least $2 PROFIT on each one I did - I bought about 20 :)
I hope they order more - I'll have to double check how long this goes til!
This works at Jewel (not sure about Dominicks or other's working yet)- one per receipt but you can go to other registers or self checkout registers to do more.
At Kmart - you can do all you want in one transaction - but again only the Hawaiian Breeze worked. Kmart also had it where if you spend $20 in the new holiday Glade items you get $5 ONYO catalina.
Target this week has buy 4 of the holiday Glade (I got 4 of the scented oil refills that had a free warmer in it and used 2 BOGO coupons and two $2 off coupons) = 4 for $10 minus $9 in coupons plus earned $5 Gift card for buying 4 - LOVE IT!
Meijer/Kellogg's catalina: Buy select Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats at Meijer between 10/10 and 11/2 and get coupon ONYO. Buy two and get $1, buy 3 and get $3. Flavors include Blueberry Muffin, Strawberry delight, Maple & Brown Sugar, Vanilla Creme, and Cinnamon Streusel.
I know there are coupons out there too - I had two $1 off each box coupons from the All You magazine (tons of coupons in that!). This deal also worked at Kmart!
Another Target deal - go to the left side of my blog and click on Target Coupon Generator - there is a Target coupon for $1 off ANY Lipton Tea - You can use this for the 16ct large family size tea bags which are only $1.09 each or you can also use it on the Lipton Tea to Go at the checkout lanes (3 or 4 inside) that are 97cents and get those for free! NO LIMIT! I do print these in BLACK & WHITE - they scan at the store better plus you save ink!
Yesterday and Today's Kmart (and Meijer & Target) trip
OK - Went again yesterday with full cart and got these things:
2 rubbermaid totes minus $2 ea = $3.79 ea
2 loreal eyeshadows - on sale BOGO BOTH FREE plus Profit
4 Dove cream oil body washes - $4 ea = $.79 ea
nail pencil - $2 = $.69
4 almay makeup remover pads - FREE
4 Revlon nail polishes - $4 ea = $.19 ea
2 revlon sharpeners - Free
4 revlon emery boards = FREE
4 Kiss nail stickers = FREE
4 No Nonsense support hose = FREE
2 boxes of no nonsense hose (3 in a box) - $4 ea = $1 ea box
2 trouser socks - $1 ea = $1.99 ea
rapid release tylenol - $4 = FREE
4 advil caplets (50 in a box plus free bonus of 50 in each box - $4 = FREE
3 johnsons baby soap - $3 = FREE
4 First Aid gauze pads = FREE
2 resolve carpet cleaners - $4 ea = $.99 ea
1 ziploc vacuum starter kit - $2 = $.79
2 2000 flushes - $2ea = $.79 ea
1 oust spray - FREE
6 twix, milkduds, etc bags of candy - $4 = $1 ea bag
4 beef jerky - $2 ea - $1 ea bag
4 bags of Lifesavers candy = FREE
4 bags of M&M brand candys - $2 = $1 ea bag
3 12pks of Coke Zero - $2 ea = $1 ea case
3 powerades = FREE
febreeze kit - $5 = $2.99 (thought this was gonna be another deal but not)
4 glade oil warmers $3.49 minus $3.49 ea plus each one spit out a $4 ONYO - $16 PROFIT
4 glade candle holders = FREE
$49 -$18 profit I earned to use later
Well Sorry if you're getting bored at hearing this (then don't read) cause I just can't stop this week!
Here is the run down - a lot of same stuff as other stores:
2 Loreal eyeshadows - free plus PROFIT
4 Dove body washes - $4 ea = $.79 ea
2 faux toe nail sets (not for me) - FREE
4 Revlon nail polishes - $4 ea = $.19 ea
2 Vaseline Men's Lotion - FREE
2 Almay eyeshadows - $4 ea = $.49 ea
2 Almay eye makeup remover = FREE
4 Kiss nail stickers = FREE
4 boxes of No Nonsense panty hose (3 or 4 in each box) - $4 ea = $1 ea box
1 single pair of NN pantyhose = FREE
2 LA Look styling gel = FREE
Visine = FREE
Dove conditioner (bonus size) = FREE
1 mitchum deodorant -$1.50 = $.50
2 First Aid tape = FREE
4 Pert 2in1's = FREE
4 bags TBonz dog treats = FREE
4 bags Beggin Strips treats - $2 ea = $.50 ea
Glade candle holder = FREE
4 bags of Goodlife Cat food = FREE
4 boxes of Beef Jerky and Cheese sticks - $2 ea = $1.50 ea box
4 bags of Lifesaver brand bagged candy = FREE
total was $211 and I paid $4.37 and also earned $4 catalina OYNO :)
Before that I went to Meijer:
did this TEN times:
3 boxes of Jello (sale $.50 ea) then gave $1.50/3 Mealbox coupon = FREE
paid $.03 tax
plus earned $2 Catalina OYNO
did this once:
7 Taco Bell Salsas ($1.48 ea) gave seven $1.50 Mealbox coupons
4 boxes of Velveeta Shells & Cheese(3/$5) - gave two $2/2 mealbox coupon
earned $2 catalina OYNO
did this once:
Taco Bell Salsa (sale $1.48) gave $1.50 off Mealbox coupon
3 boxes of Jello (sale 50cents each) gave $1.50/3 Mealbox coupon
OOP - $.03
earned $2 Catalina OYNO
did 3 of these:
4 boxes of Velveeta Shells & Cheese (sale 3/$5) used two $2/ off mealbox coupons
used $2 catalina to pay for it too - OOP$.79
did this 16 times:
Glade Scented Oil Warmer ($4.49) used $2 off coupon
gave $2 catalina earned above (or if I did not have a coupon I gave one of the $4 catalinas and that worked fine too)
paid $.36
Earned $4 catalina OYNO
Revlon beauty tools
12 nail clippers, emery boards, tweezers (all were under $2 ea)
they were on sale for BOGO
and I used twelve $1 off coupons
paid $.80
OOP (out of pocket was $19.08) but I earned $62 in catalinas - so
all that food and good smellies for PROFIT OF $42.92
7 Lipton teas - 16ct family size tea bags - $1 Target coupon = $.09 ea
5 Lipton to gos (3 count at register) - $1 Target coupon = $.05 PROFIT
10 Lindt small bars - used 5 BOGO coupons and 5 .75 off coupons (they were only $.48 ea) - so $1.35 PROFIT
3 Lipton to go (full size boxes) - $1 Target coupon = $.81 ea
almay concealer - $2 coupon = $.13
6 Johnsons Buddies = FREE plus $.06 PROFIT
tons of kids tights, underwear, men's socks and undershirt tanks - under $3 each pack!
Glade PROMO:
buy4 holiday glade and get $5 gift card
4 glade scented oil refills (but had a free warmer) - $2.50 ea - used 2 BOGO coupons = 4 FREE
plus a few Christmas gifts (can't say here in case I get their name for our family draw)
total $38.47 (plus got $5 GC)
WHEW - I'm tired!
Gotta go work more on ebay to pay for this :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
How to get the cheap diapers at Walgreens!
If you can get your hands on the $50 coupon savings book from the pharmacy. ←It's a pamphlet they reward you with, if you listen to the spiel about the W card. Go to the pharmacy and ask, and keep asking until you are successful. (No, you don't have to join to get it, so if they tell you that, that's wrong.*) Then, when it comes time to use the $2 diaper coupon, DON'T cut it out. Present the pamphlet folded with the diaper coupon showing. Hand it toward the cashier so he/she can scan it. They don't actually need the paper coupon. If they insist on taking it, there's not much you can do, but most will let you keep it. Here is the diaper deal that starts next week (Nov 2):
Walgreens brand jumbo diapers $8.99 and B1G1F.
- $2 rx coupon takes $4 off
- .90 for W card members = 2/$4.09
* If you get any resistance at the pharmacy about the $50 pamphlet, print off this page from their website which clearly says "$50 in coupons just for asking your pharmacist how much you can save". In fact, print it off just in case, so you don't waste a trip. If they tell you they don't have any (they do, probably in a box in the back room), take out your cell phone on the spot and call their customer service number 1-877-250-5823, and tell them that you'd like one mailed to you because the store in MargaritaVille doesn't have any and needs a supply. Seriously, I bet they suddenly remember where to look for them.
If you plan to really stock up, then it is worth it to get the W card. That costs $20 a year, but you get back 10% of all Walgreens brand purchases, including the purchase of Walgreens gift cards. It's pretty easy to start making a profit on the W card. Save your receipts from the diaper purchases next week, then enter them on-line after you get your actual Wcard in the mail, for your 10% bonus.
This diaper deal will get even better if (big IF) there is a $5/$20 coupon the weekend of Nov 7-8. If that is the case, you'll need to remember that the $2 pharmacy coupon counts against your total to reach the $20 threshold. You'd have to buy 8 packs for $36 + tiny filler,
- $16 (8x$2 pharmacy c/o)
- $5/$20 coupon (if it exists)
- $3.60 for W card members
Final price 8/$11.40
Let's cross our fingers for a $5/$20 coupon that weekend.
If you think your Walgreens will be wiped out of the diapers in the size(s) you need, you can order ahead. You don't need to tell them you know there will be a sale. If you're questioned, you could say, I'm hoping for a sale and let it go at that. You can talk to a manager and ask for a case or however many you want. Tell them you'll pick them up on Nov 7 (so you can use the $5/$20 coupon if there is one).
FREEBIES at Bath & Body Works
Here is a coupon of for a FREE item valued up tto $13 with any $10 purchase
Here is a coupon for a FREE Signature Collection Body Lotion with any purchase - $3.50 value
Here is a coupon for a FREE True Blue Spa or Aromatherapy item with any $10 purchase valued up to $16
Here is a coupon for a FREE Signature Collection Item with any $10 purchase - valued up to $12
AWESOME COUPON - $1.10 off ONE can of Progresso Soup
Yes - save $1.10 - don't forget to click your back button to print it twice
These are on sale this week at Jewel for $1 - so $.10 PROFIT!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Jewel shopping today (with 2 kids - it can be done)!!!
2 bags of Lays Chips - BOGO
3 Gerber Nuk Bottles - $4.99 ea but they have a mail in rebate inside for free - great shower gifts - got them on separate receipts
2 soy vanilla milk - actually very YUMMY - $3.69 for 2 - they were BOGO and I had two coupons for $1 off each one - so 2 for $1.69
6 Schick Razors 10 count(reg. $7) - on sale for $5 ea and I had $4 coupons off each - $1 each pack
6 packs of Keebler cookies - BOGO - used coupons $1/2 or something like that - anyway $1 a pack was final cost
2 bic comfort womens razors - $4.29 each minus $2 coupons - just noticed that these were supposed to be on sale for 2/$6 making them only a $1 ea - I will return them!
6 men's Edge Shaving Gel - on sale for $2 minus $1 coupon ea and also minus .75 each from the avenue
3 carefree panty liners - $1.59 ea - minus $5/3 - PROFIT!
4 Max Factor Mascaras - $5.49 ea - had 2 BOGO coupons and two $1 off coupons (thought I was getting extra coupons from avenue but bought wrong item so will return these maybe
4 Ritz crackers $3 ea minus $1 coupon each and then $4 instant savings
drycleaners secret - coupon for 1 count free
2 Pantene shampoo/conditioner - $3.33 ea minus $2 coupon on each
1 free Pantene hairspray when buying shampoo and conditioner
14 boxes of Ronzoni pasta - on sale for BOGO and had $1 off coupon on each = .29 cents for TWO boxes
4 ChiChi's salsa - on sale BOGO and had $1/2 coupons = $1.14 a jar - yummy!
3 Glade scented oil warmers - $5.49 minus $3 coupon and get $4 register coupon ONYO - PROFIT!!!
2 kids plates - on sale BOGO minus two .55 coupons = $1.19 ea the cute zoo pals ones
12 cans of FREE mighty dog - I had free coupons for each can
total before coupons - $191.93
after - $69.70 - but also will get $15 back in rebates and earned $12 off my next order in coupons
Monday, October 27, 2008
Trip #1
4 Loreal Mascara - $5 each – and 2 were free after BOGO = $8 PROFIT
4 Loreal Eyeshadow - $3.79 each – and 2 were free after BOGO = $7.38 profit
3 Dove Lotions - $4 ea = $1.19 ea
4 Dove lotions - $4 ea = $.79 ea
1 Dove Lotion - $4 = $.99
4 Jergens Natural Glow - $2 ea = $.99 each and these were bonus packs
4 Nail Art = FREE
4 Revlon Nail Polish - $4 ea = $.19 ea
4 Almay makeup remover Towlettes - $2 ea (forgot to use my $2 coupon to get $4 of) = $1.29 ea
4 Nail art = FREE
Colgate toothpaste - $2 = $.19 on clearance
2 Colgate Toothbrushes - $2 ea = $.50 ea
2 Big Razors - 4 = $.99 ea
4 Dove Shampoo/Conditioner = FREE
2 Theraflu - $4 ea = $1.99 ea = BUT WILL GET FREE AFTER REBATES
2 St. Joseph’s aspirin - $2 = $.39 ea
4 Rolaids small pk = FREE
3 Johnson Buddies Bars – $3/3 = FREE
4 First Aid Tape = FREE
4 First Aid Gauze = FREE
Sure deodorant - $2 = $.29
Pert = FREE
4 Goodlife Cat food = FREE
2 Good life treats = $.39 ea
Glade BOGO oil warmers - $5.79/second free
4 Glade candle holders = FREE
glade plug in – FREE
Used $5/$50 coupon and also earned $7 OYNO coupons that I gave to my friend to use on her order which also had a lot of free stuff above for me since I could not use any more coupons.
Total was about $238 and I paid $53.57 (minus $7 in earned coupons too)
TRIP #2 (friend) – she has the receipt – sorry!
Her order was about $256 and we paid $.17 – MY BEST RECORD YET!!!!!
Also used $5/$50 coupon and also gave her my $7 ONYO coupons to use
Trip #3
4 Loreal Mascara - $5 each – and 2 were free after BOGO = $8 PROFIT
4 Loreal Eyeshadow - $3.79 each – and 2 were free after BOGO = $7.38 profit
CG mascara – Free with coupon for buying foundation
Zest 3pk bars - $2 = $.19
CC liquid makeup -$2 = $1.99
Sally Hansen cuticle pen - $4 = $1.29
4 St Ives lotion - $2 ea = $1 ea
4 Revlon Nail Polishes - $4 ea = $.19 ea
4 Revlon beauty tools - $2 ea = all FREE
4 No Nonsense Shapers - $4 ea = $.49 ea
Tylenol PM - $4 = $.79
4 Tylenol Rapid Release - $4 ea = $.49 ea
2 Advil PM - $4 ea = $.79 ea
2 Mitchum Deodorant - $1.50 ea = $.50 ea
2 Rolaids = FREE
3 Johnson Buddies Bars - $3 off $3 = FREE
4 First Aid tape = FREE
4 First Aid Gauze = FREE
4 Sure Deodorant - $2 ea = $.29 ea
1 LARGE BONUS SIZE Pert - $4 = $.99
Beggin Strips treat - $2 = $.50
4 Glade Candle Holder = FREE (plus helped me earn $5 OYNO coupon LIKE A RR)
4 Glade Plug In Gels = FREE
4 Beef Jerky - $2 ea = $1 ea
6 Lifesavers mints/Gummies = FREE
3 Mini Wheat Cereal - $2 = $1.33 ea (after OYNO coupon)
6 Powerade = FREE
4 Celestial Tea = $.50 ea and one was $.79 (oops)
3 – 12pk of Coke Zero - $2 ea = $1 ea
4 bags of Good life Cat food = FREE
Plus Used 2 - $5/$50 coupons on 2 orders ( I had one other Christmas present added so it made up the $50
Total for all above was $11.96 not counting the Christmas Gift and I earned $6 back for my next order
Before coupons was about $313 – PAID $11.96