I have neglected this blog so much this summer - for those that loved it, I truly am sorry!
I have found so many sites that do exactly the same thing, so I will start just putting links to their sites and save myself so much time so I can actually go out and do them more myself!
Here are some of my personal favorite sites:
www.couponerswanted.com - this is a forum, so you have to sign up (FREE) and get permission to join. They will help you with almost any store nationwide!
www.hotcouponworld.com - very similar to CW above but even BIGGER - I used their Target coupon generator
www.mashupmom.com - more Chicago stores but also posts online deals, and large chain stores.
www.hip2save.blogspot.com - she's really good at Target deals
www.abundantfoodsavings.com - deals for almost any major chain store!
www.afullcup.com - very similar to CW and HCW above - I get my Target coupons printed here in mass with their coupon generator too
Will post more of just my personal deals for the most part on this blog.
I do not want to sound like I am bragging because be it far from that! I just want to show people what is possible and what God has allowed me to learn to do and help pass on these things to others so that they can do more for their own families, churches, and others.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Become a taste tester for KRAFT
This is definitely something you want to sign up for. In essence, you become a tester for Kraft foods. You get free stuff to try and/or coupons for products. Sign up ASAP because they will withdraw it when they have enough sign-ups. . You fill out a one page survey about yourself (about 1 minute). Be sure to click on "Products you'd like to learn more about" after you register. I clicked on almost everything, including "Velveeta Shells & Cheese Cup". Then I went to "My Offers" page, and was given the opportunity to print a coupon on this product, which turned out to be a bricks coupon for B1G1 free cup up to $1.30. The idea is to use the coupon to try it, then log onto the website and post my comments and recommendations. My guess is that the more you comment, the more 'offers' from Kraft you will receive on your personalized page. Have fun! Click on this link to go there.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We made it... new deal alert from Jewel!
Just wanted to let you all we made it to New Zealand safe and sound. Still recovering from the sheer exhaustion of the last few weeks and getting some needed rest! The kids did pretty good too!
While I'm gone, I still receive a few great deal alerts from friends so I'll post them here for your benefit! Leave me comments if you find others and can use these :) GO GET ALL THOSE DEALS FOR ME WHILE I'M GONE :)
Right now there is a catalina deal at Jewel if you buy $25 worth of participating Coke, Unilever, and General Mills products, you get a $10 coupon on your next order, buy $15, get a $5 coupon, buy $10, get a $2 coupon. Remember that to get the $25 minimum (or $15 or $10), you can go by the BEFORE preferred card price. For example, Breyers ice cream is on sale for $3, but the before-sale price is $6.29, so if you bought four cartons, you would only pay $12 out of pocket ($3 each x 4), but because they are $6.29 before the preferred card sale, you would qualify for $25.16 ($6.29 x 4), so you would pay $12, and get back a $10 coupon - that's like getting the ice cream for $0.50 each!! (even better if you have the $1.00/2 coupon from 5/17 Red Plum insert - you might get the ice cream for free!). The easist way to do this is to scan your preferred card at the end of the transaction, rather than scanning it first, then you can make sure you hit the $25 before the preferred card/tax.
I couldn't find an exhaustive list of all the prices/sales, but here's the best one I found from http://www.mashupmom.com/ Enjoy!
So, here's the deal: Buy $10 of participating products, get $2.00 OYNO. Buy $15, get $5.00 OYNO. Buy $25+, get $10 OYNO. This is confirmed to work off of ring price rather than preferred card price. Note that ring price may vary between stores. Props go to the great people over at Couponers Wanted for lots of info about this one. Some of the included products with coupon matchups as there are more included and in the ad, but these might be some of the best bets.
Suddenly Salad, $1.25 ($2.25 ring price). Print $.40/1 at Betty Crocker. Print another $.40/1 at Coupons.com. $.50/2 5/17 SS.
Ragu, $1.50 ($1.99 ring price). Print $1.00/2 Ragu (in Spanish; turn off your popup blocker). $1.00/2 5/17 RP. $.60/1 selected flavors 5/17 RP.
Breyers ice cream, $3.00 ($6.29 ring price). $1.00/2 5/17 RP.
Skippy peanut butter, $2.00 ($3.25 ring price). $.40/1 4/5 Unilever.
Bertolli pasta sauce, $2.00 ($3.95 ring price). $1.00/1 pouch; $.60/1 jar 4/5 Unilever.
Klondike $3.00 (ring price $5.50).
Snuggle $3.00 (ring price $4.25). $.50/1 5/17 RP.
Bisquick, $1.50 (ring $2.45).
Betty Crocker family-sized brownies, $1.25 (ring $2.25).
Wish-bone, $2.00 (ring price is I think $2.79, might be lower so careful). $1.00/2 5/17 RP; $1.00/1 spritzers 5/17 RP. Print $.75/1 Wish-bone here. Look for hangtags on Wish-bone for $2.00 off bagged salad wyb 2 (I found these at Dominicks recently).
All Small & Mighty, $4.50 (ring price $6.49). Print $1.00/1 here. $1.00/2 5/10 RP.
Bertolli frozen meals, $6.99 (ring $8.99). Print $2.00/1 here. $1.00/1 6/7 RP.
Cheerios, $2.00 (ring $3.75). Print $1.00/1 Cheerios. $1.00/3 GM cereal at Coupons.com. $1.00/3 5/3; 5/31 SS. $1.00/2 Betty Crocker (I think only honey nut, if included). $.55/1 Betty Crocker. (There is also supposed to be $1.00/2 in this Sunday's inserts, if that one is in our area.)
Total, $2.00 (ring $3.50?ish). Print $1.00/2 at Betty Crocker.
Fiber One bars, $3.00. Print $.40/1 Betty Crocker. Print $.45/1 Coupons.com.
Nature Valley Granola bars, (ring $2.99). Print $.75/2 coupons.com. $.75/2 5/31 SS.
Chex Mix bars, $3.00 (ring $3.65). $1.00/2 4/26 SS; $.60/1 at Coupons.com. Print $.60/1 Betty Crocker.
24-pack Dasani water, $4.50 (ring $6.95).
PHEW! Anyway, there are a lot more products included so check your in-store ad for a few more. The above are some of the best in terms of spread between preferred/ring price and coupons available. For example, you could buy:
12 Suddenly Salads at $15.00 (ring price $27.00, getting you over $25). Use as many of the $.40/1 coupons as you can print. (At least 4, because you can print 2 at Betty Crocker and 2 at Coupons.com, so $1.60 off gets you to $13.40.) Get a $10.00 Catalina back.
Don't forget you can always roll Catalinas at Jewel, so take that $10.00 you just bought and do another scenario! Remember, you have to hit $25.00 on the price it rings up at before the Preferred Card discount in order to get the $10.00 Catalina. So, check your coupons stash and see what you can come up with and if you have good scenarios, share them here! I'll add to this post as more info appears over the week.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Gone for much needed vacation
As some of my close friends already know - I will be leaving for 6 weeks to finally go see my family in New Zealand.
I will be gone June 9th - July 17th.
Until then, I am packing, having a garage sale and trying to get everything done around the house before we go.
So I will not be posting much until we get back.
Feel free to email me if you find a really good deal and I would be happy to post it!
Until then - visit these sites and you will do GREAT!
www.refundcents.com - this one costs $1 per month - but so worth it for all the ease they give for CVS and WAGS - be sure to give my name as a referral or use the link on the left hand column.
Happy deal shopping until I return!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Target Savings Blog
Here is the blog for great Target savings:
also in case you ever get flack for using coupons - here is the emailed response about Target's coupon policy which I WISH they would post on their website and TRAIN ALL employees about them properly!
Thanks for asking us about using coupons at Target. Coupons are a great way to save even more when shopping with us, and it's easy to use them at our stores. Because of the variety of coupons available to our guests, we do have some guidelines for how coupons can be redeemed at Target.
When accepting coupons, we use the following guidelines:
- We accept two kinds of coupons: Target-issued and manufacturer-issued.
- We'll accept one Target coupon and one manufacturer coupon for the same item, unless either coupon prohibits it.
- We can't give cash back if the face value of a coupon is greater than the purchase value of the item; in this case, we're able to adjust the value of the coupon to equal the price of the item.
- We can't accept coupons from other retailers, or coupons for products not carried in our stores.
- All valid coupons should be presented to the cashier while you're checking out.
For questions about using a specific coupon, we encourage you to stop by Guest Service and ask to speak with the Guest Service Team Leader. They'll do their best to help while you're in the store. If you still have questions after speaking with them, please call our Guest Relations team at (800) 440-0680. Either way, we're here to help!
We appreciate the opportunity to share this information with you.
Target Guest Relations
Buy 2 Nabisco 100 Calorie Cakesters: $1.93
Use 1 $1.00 Printables HERE
Use 2 Target Printables HERE
Final Price: $.43 ea.!
Buy 1 Crystal Light Drink Mixes: $2.99
Buy 1 Crystal Light Skin Essentials: $2.99
Use 1 $1.00 Printable HERE
Use 1 FREE Crystal Light Essential Printable HERE (will take off $2.99)
Use 2 $1.00 Target Printables HERE
Final Price: BOTH FOR FREE!
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs: $1.93
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Use $1.00 Target Printable HERE
Final Price: FREE + $.07 OVERAGE!
(I suggest you hand them the Target coupon first)
Kraft Velveeta Shells & Cheese: $1.50
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Final Price: $.50 ea.
Buy 2 Easy Mac and Cheese Single Serve Cups: $.77 ea.
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Final Price: $.27 ea.
Buy 2 Kraft Mayos: $1.99 ea.
Use 2 $1.00 Printables HERE
Use 1 $1.00 Target Printable HERE
Final Price: $.49 ea.
Buy 2 Kraft Salad Dressings: $1.59 ea.
Use 2 $1.00 Printables HERE
Use 1 $1.00 Target Printable HERE
Final Price: $.09 ea.
Ritz Crackers: $2.50
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Use $1.00 Target Printable HERE
Final Price: $.50
Triscuit Crackers: $2.04
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Final Price: $1.04
Wheat Thins Crackers: $2.04
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Use $1.00/2 Target Printable HERE (Thanks for the info Julie)
Final Price: $1.04
Ritz Bits: $2.00
Use $1.00 Printable HERE
Final Price: $1.00
Pringles Mini-Cans: $.69
Use $.50 Target Printable HERE
Final Price: $.19
*You can print A SECOND SET OF KRAFT coupons AGAIN HERE! You may have to reinstall the Coupon Printer but for $50 bucks worth of coupons, well worth the time and effort.
Source for these deals is Christy at Cents To Save For Moms
Thanks Christy!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Printable Coupons Mother-Load from Hotcouponworld
I truly can't remember when the printable coupons were quite this amazing but really, this month, they just keep coming! Here's the scoop...
Get high value $1/1 and $1/2 printables on the following items -
Kraft Cheese
Planters Peanuts
Grey Poupon
Nabisco 100-calorie packs
Kraft miracle whip
Digiorno Pizza
Crystal Light
Oscar Meyer
Maxwell House
Ritz Chips
Claussen Pickles
Philly Cream Cheese
Cool Whip
Wheat Thins
Seriously, the list goes on and on....in all - there are over 100 coupons today to print, and remember, you can print them twice! - GO TO www.coupons.com
But you have to get them fast - the inventory will turn quickly and they'll be gone within the week.
Even some of our other printable partners have a few new ones today - GM cereals, Dole, and more here:
$2 off New Quaker Pancake Mix, $1.50 off 2 Kelloggs cereals and more:
Really, if your stores take printables (or if you want some good coupons for your havelist), you've got to get in there and get these printed before they're gone. I'm hoping the early heads up will help you get in there and get what you need before everyone else on the planet realizes they're there.
Happy Shopping!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
FREE 8 x 10 Wednesday ONLY from Walgreens
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
5/8-5/20 $10 OYNO WYB $30 Johnson and Johnson
click here for more info on www.hotcouponworld.com as it becomes available!
Walgreens & CVS this week!
- $2 RR
- $1 c/o from Celebrity Apprentice or (S 4/19)
Final price free + $1 profit
- $4.49 RR
- .75 (S 4/26)
Final price free + .75 profit
- $5 RR
Final price 3/$6
Healthy Choice Soup 2/$3
Chef Boyardee 2/$3
Healthy Choice Frozen Entree 2/$5
- $1/2 (S 4/5)
(Buy 4 Healthy Choice Frozen Entrees, use two coupons to get $2 off, get $3 RR. Final price 4/$5)
- $1 MaxFresh/MaxWhite (S 4/26)
- .75 any paste (S 2/22, S 4/26)
OOP $1.99
After ECBs Free!
- $1 (RP 4/5)
Free After ECBS and c/o
*Look for clearanced scents! (Intense Scent)
- $1/1 any (RP 4/5)
- .70 Special K protein (RP 4/5)
- $1 c's IPs here or
- BOGO Mini-Wheats (vocalpoint mailer)
OOP ala 3 < $5
After ECBs possible profit!
$5 John Frieda collection shampoo, cond, styler
$8 color glaze, serum, go Blonder, Color renew
$8 Jergens Natural Glow
$6.50 Jergens or Jergens Natural moisturizer
$7 Curel lotion 13oz
$1 off ALL Biore
- $2 John Frieda (S 4/5)
- $3/2 John Frieda (S 8/24, S 4/5)
- $1 Jergen Natural Glow Face 2oz or body moisturizer 4oz+ or moisturizer 7.5oz+ (S 3/15, S 4/5)
+ Jergens Money Back Guarantee Printable
- $1 Curel, Biore (S 4/5)
- $2 Biore Preservation (S 4/5)
OOP 3 John Frieda/$9
After ECBs 3/$4
- B2G1F (S 11/2)
Buy 4, use 1 coupon and pay for 1 and get 3 free?
- .55 (S 4/26)
Final Price 2/1.09